
C.J. (Kees) van den Bergh studied in the early nineties Music Composition and Music Theory at the Brabants Conservatorium in Tilburg. In 1999 he received his diploma U.M. Composition with honours and in 2000 he completed his six-year study Music Theory, also with honours.

In the past Kees arranged a lot of music for all kinds of different ensembles. As a performer he was active for a long time as a chorister. He also occasionally performed as a pianist and bass guitarist and he played the organ in the church service for almost 20 years. In 2020 Kees started performing again, but now as a performer of his own electronic music.

Since 2002 he teaches analysis, solfeggio, harmony, counterpoint and orchestration at the Fontys Conservatorium (AMPA) in Tilburg. In 2008 Kees has been appointed as Professor Composition in both the Bachelor Composition and Master of Music Composition.

In the spring of 2018 he gave masterclasses on Dutch Minimal Music to the composition students of the ‘Conservatoria di Musica Giovan Battista Martini’ of Bologna. In September 2023, Kees also began teaching composition students in the Jazz Department of AMPA.

His oeuvre consists of compositions for solo voice, pieces for instrument solo, songs, choral music, chamber music for various ensembles, electronic music and several symphonic works.

The current compositions of Kees van den Bergh have a high degree of consonance and are influenced by ancient chant, 16th century counterpoint , classical music, minimal music, jazz, pop and EDM.