Im Anfang war der Rhythmus (for Carillon and Organ)


In the first half of 2022, I composed a piece commissioned by the Tilburg City Council and the Tilburgse Beiaardcommissie. The piece titled Im Anfang war der Rhythmus was written especially for Tilburg city carillonneur Carl van Eyndhoven and Tilburg city organist Rob Nederlof.

The title of the piece is a famous quote by Hans von Bülow and resonates beautifully with the energy of the piece. For while composing, it was mostly the rhythm that took me by the hand and led me along wonderful paths.

Im Anfang war der Rhythmus was originally to be premiered in the fall of 2022 in the concert series ‘Trialogen’ (music for choir, organ and carillon).

However, ‘Trialogen’ was moved to the summer of 2023. During two concerts (on Saturday July 1 in the Heikese Kerk, Tilburg, and on Sunday July 2 in the Grote Kerk, ‘s Hertogenbosch) Im Anfang war der Rhythmus was successfully premiered.

To give you an impression of this new piece, I have created a MIDI mock-up of the piece: See above.